Delicious and Nutritious Pastured Pork
• Supporting a more sustainable food movement
• Pastured pork is more nutritious, richer in micronutrients
• Simply tastes better
• Pastured pigs are happier and healthier

Our Guarantee
100% SatisfactionSince food is perishable, we do not accept returns. If you receive an item that is damaged or spoiled and you cannot consume it, please send us an email. We rely on your feedback so we can correct mistakes and improve what we do. Pictures are appreciated. Please let us know if any of your items are not ok within 24 hours of receiving them or ASAP. We always believe in making right with our customers. We will issue you a credit, refund, or replacement for any damaged or spoiled items. Credit will be given for the product price and any associated shipping costs. We aim to provide the best customer service possible. We will reply to any emails regarding issues with orders within 24 hours.

"The pork roast was delicious!"
Andrea J.

"This meat is phenomenal, you'll love it!"
Erin's Mom

"This fat tastes like candy!"
Cheryl A.
Pastured pork comes from pigs that are raised on pasture rather than in confinement. They are allowed to root and graze naturally.
We are trying to prevent the growth of man boobs. Soy protein has an effect on estrogen and testosterone levels that varies per individual.
GMO is an acronym for Genetically Modified Organism.
Fat of pastured pork is more flavorful and contains more micronutrients. The fat of confinement raised pigs can accumulate toxins and chemicals from feed.